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“Saint Young Men” Drama Releases Key Visual and VR Interactive Video on YT!


The TV drama adaptation of slice-of-life comedy “Saint Young Men” has released a new key visual, as we as an interactive VR video that you can poke play around with has been released via the show’s official website. The show will being its broadcast run in Fall of 2018.


The “Saint Young Men” TV drama stars Kenichi Matsuyama (DEATHNOTE) as “Jesus Christ” and Shouta Sometani (STACY) as “Buddha”. The series is written and directed by Yuuichi Fukuda (GINTAMA 2) and produced by Takayuki Yamada (Yoshihiko The Hero), so expect some great laughs! In the meantime, check out some choice shots from the VR video below!

Saint Young Men

“Saint Young Men” centers on the ordinary daily lives of two extraordinary individuals: Jesus Christ and Buddha. The two holy young men move into a small apartment in the Tokyo suburb of Tachikawa, and attempt to understand modern humanity while hiding in plain sight. The series is renowned for its hilarious and lighthearted take on both Christianity and Buddhism, and even makes jokes about Jesus’ miracles and Buddha’s holiness.

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