Home Film “Rise of the Red Comet” to be the final “Gundam the Origin”...

“Rise of the Red Comet” to be the final “Gundam the Origin” film

“Rise of the Red Comet” to be the final “Gundam the Origin” film

The Gundam the Origin film series launched back in 2015 with Blue-Eyed Casval. Now, it seems that the anime film series is finally coming to an end with Rise of the Red Comet. This is because the Gundam the Origin official website has now confirmed that it will indeed be the final entry in the series.

“Rise of the Red Comet” to be the final “Gundam the Origin” film

In the announcement, they thanked fans for their support, and also added that the series won’t be a success without them. They also asked fans to enjoy the final film, which premieres in Japan on 5th May. Meanwhile, for its international release, the new trailer reveals that it will premiere in “Early Summer 2018”.

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As the trailer shows, it “Rise of the Red Comet” will feature plenty of familiar faces from the 1979 original. This includes Bright Noah, Mirai, Frau, and of course, Amuro Ray himself. The film will focus on the aftermath of the events from the 5th film, “Clash at Loum”. It will then lead to the events which kick off the original 1979 anime’s setting.

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