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Japanese student turns philosophers into super-deformed anime-style characters

Japanese student turns philosophers into super-deformed anime-style characters

Sometimes, when studying, it’s better to associate what you’re studying into what you like to make it more interesting. This is what twitter user @10_foOo_wim did to some philosophers for an entrance exam. The student was having trouble with philosophy and ethics, so what did the student do? Visualise the philosophers into cute super-deformed anime-style characters of course!

Using a 100 yen craft notebook, the student re-imagined then famous philosophers. In total, @10_foOo_wim drew 126 famous philosophers for the notebook. And yes, this is all to study for an upcoming entrance exam!

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Soren Kierkegaard
Soren Kierkegaard
KARL JASPERS (1883 – 1969) Philosophe allemand en 1946. ©MP/Leemage AA095251 dbdocumenti 269 361 300 3179 4264 Scala di grigio
St. Thomas Aquinas
Immanuel Kant

And it looks like these anime-style visual aids helped a lot for the exam. This is because @10_foOo_wim’s practice exam scores went from 50 to 80 after doing the illustrations. Now that’s effective studying! He then said that “They made studying fun, and I really recommend this for people who like to draw.”

Source: Rocket News 24

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