Gigantosaurus Review – PS4 Games for kids

Gigantosaurus Review - PS4 Games for kids

Gigantosaurus Review – Children love fun and adventurous stories and various cute characters. That’s why they love it when you assist them reading children’s fiction story book and using different and wild voices for different characters. That’s why children are obsessed to story books, especially ones with colorful and fun characters on it. They can be absorb to the story and the characters’ characteristics. 

Through interesting stories, children learn some moral lessons and it is a fun way to learn for them. Knowing this market potential, the game developers saw this chance and making various games for all ages, including young games. This is also the reason why PS4 games for kids are made. They created unique story lines and characters to make them comfortable to play with. And just how children’ storybooks provide them moral lessons, so some PS4 games do including Gigantosaurus. The game with various characters and cute looking characters which attempted to pass some levels.

Thus, this game is one of new obsession for children, especially the ones which are familiar to Gigantosaurus’ story book. Don’t you agree?

Gigantosaurus review

What game is it?

Gigantosaurus Review
Gigantosaurus storybook illustration

In the Gigantosaurus review, before the Cyber Group Studios created Gigantosaurus as video game, indeed, Gigantosaurus was a storybook illustration created by Jonny Duddle. This book tells about four dinosaurs which none of the characters can talk. Those four dinosaurs are Tiny, Rocky, Mazu, and Bill to run away as they are warned that a giant and scary dinosaur named Gigantosaurus is after them when they shout “Gigantosaurus!”, and that’s how their adventure begins. Almost similar to the book, the game consists of four little dinosaurs that love to jump over higher and higher hillsides and mountains to collect things.

What’s to note about this game is that this game is made for young gamers who are 6 years old or under. The narrated storyline was made close to its storybook version and the game makers made sure that they story line in the game can be easily understood and digested from the start by the young learners. Some cut scenes are provided in each interval when the player completing each level. What’s more important is how the developer convey the simple and rhyming narration to make the children easily digest the plot.

As there are four dinosaurs that can be chosen and played by the player, the player can choose between them on the go or grabbing the other three friends to play cooperatively. The other three dinosaurs can also be played by other family members to play together cooperatively. Some levels are split up and the dinosaurs need to pass through each level by collecting dinosaurs’ eggs which are scattered around them. The little dinosaurs need to bring them back to their nest to save them from Giganotosaurus and other animals which haunt them.

How to Play

Most of the time, the little dinosaurs will jump higher from one hills to other hills, from one mountain to other mountains. And every time they jump, they need to jump higher and got the seeds from the air. They will collect plant seeds or eggs and return them to their nests. They even need to collect walnuts from scary Gigantosaurus. Each time they have got 200 seeds, they will instantly get a tree. Meanwhile the eggs that they’ve collected the eggs, they need to get them back to the eggs’ nests. Other obstacles beside gigantosaurus are piranhas which are lurking around them in the water, and also the buzzing bees, they will hunt for the eggs. So the players need to place the egg at the right place.

This game can be played by multiple players and can be played at any age. This game can be a great choice to play with your little ones in the family while teaching them some strategies to save themselves at early age. You can teach them some little strategies to save the eggs. This might be little not fun for them as some eggs which lay on the ground can be easily found by the piranhas and this quite tough for them.

When you and your little one have done some jumps form one hills to others and collecting seeds, you will open one world and other worlds. This game will be most suitable to be featured with three to eight year old kids and you or other adults to assist them.

However, playing this game with multiplayers might be hard to do. If you play with others, it will be easier to teach the kids some strategies, but it can be a chore as you two need to stay in the same area and jump around together. There isn’t any dynamic split screen which makes it easier to play with multi players who want to grab seeds as much as possible in different areas.

Some other reviewers said that this game is adapted and inspired from Super Mario Odyssey. The aim to collect more items are the big consideration why this game is a bit similar to Super Mario Odyssey. In this case, collecting eggs is very similar to the collecting moon task in Super Mario Odyssey.

Besides the Gigantosaurus and other creatures such as piranhas that are lurking around to get the eggs, there are some other obstacles to play the game. There will be some characters which will harm the four little dinosaurs while doing the mission such as tornadoes or conveyor belts. Although this game is quite monotonous, this is quite tough for the kids to conquer each level.

Through this game, the kids can access some moral lesson from the little dinosaurs as each of them owns special ability. Tiny is having cute triceratops and use her thick skulls to break something. It allows the player to smash something when they need to during their way to collect things.

This game also allows the kids to play cooperatively with family members or friends. This game will train them to grow some thinking skills and to communicate well with other players to win the game. At first, as adult, it might be you who propose some ideas to collect more seeds to save more eggs. But as you play with them multiple times, they will copy your behavior. They might propose some ideas and tricks to you. Don’t forget to appreciate their efforts to grow the kids’ confidence while proposing some ideas.


This game could be monotonous enough but it is fun enough to for the kids, just how they love to hear the same story over and over again, or watching some illustrated cartoon movie over and over again. So as it is made for the young players, we believe that this is playable and suitable enough for the kids to polish their skills in playing video games for their age. Besides, although the game said that the four little dinosaurs are being warned about the terrifying Gigantosaurs, the appearance of Gigantosaurus isn’t really that bad. The dinosaur is still looking cute and doesn’t do harmful or assassin ways to haunt.

Meanwhile for the overall performance in this game, Gigantosaurus is quite sketchy and the player starts to struggle as the screen gets more and more busy. Furthermore, this game has basic nature of graphics as when playing this game or similar to this game, we might get used when the items or properties, especially the big ones such as big trees, around the characters start to fade away when the camera gets in too close to where the character stands.

But in this game, the properties or objects will disappear immediately when the little dinosaurs walk up to them. Thus, besides making the player feels monotonous by the gameplay, it might making them infuriating.

Therefore, this game isn’t really recommended to be played by the whole family members, but good enough for the very young gamers. However, it can’t be denied that some children might get bored too when they play this game for multiple times as they get some limited enjoyment too. Especially with the poor graphics that they offer.

But, again, as it is made for the kids, most kids who are usually okay with the same and monotonous storyline, challenge, and graphics.

The quality of graphics that they offer couldn’t be aligned with adult gameplay such as Assasin’s Creed Odyssesy, The Witcher 3, Resident Evil 2, and others that you can name on. Because the main aim to create the games for the kids is to make them enjoy playing it, offering cute and playful different characters, and a simple narration or story line to be digested for them.

This Gigantosaurus game is quite okay to be included into one of good PS4 games for kids, it is good way to use PS4 compared to PS5 that there aren’t much available games that can be played with PS5, especially games for the kids. Playing games with the kids is also another bonding session for parents and the kids.