PS4 Games Chariot Review – Best stimulates Games for Kids

PS4 Games Chariot Review - Best stimulates Games for Kids

As the era of video game is rising, most of the local cooperative plays are neglected. This PS4 games Chariot review which you can play it using PS4 is one of the game which bring us back to the age of headset – less videogames era. This 2D video games which is made for the kids is still worth to play with someone in “real” life which you can sit next to each other and working hand – in – hand to reach the goal together. No wonder, Chariot is one of most recommended PS4 games for kids. It creates “real” bond and rising the collaborative skill for the young gamers.

Chariot is a Quebec – based Firma Studio. This game is the very first PS4 title which is developed by Firma Studio for PlayStation Minis. As Firma Studios made PS4 games for kids, this game is a physics – based 2D plat former which is easier to be played for very young gamer with cute characters and user experience, and easy direction to play the game.

As how it is called, chariot game is using chariot as how the characters of the game is called. There are two characters which are the king’s daughter and her chariot. They are two characters which can be played by the player to bring a special mission by carrying the king’s coffin to his proper resting place.

PS4 Games Chariot Review

What Game Is It?

This PS4 Games Chariot is narrated as a king who had passed away. The daughter and her suitor must lay him to rest in a great and luxurious place to pay the respect for the deceased king. The spirit of monarch had being stuck in the coffin with the king’s corpse, and this is the reason why the kid and her suitor need to place him at his real resting place. The king had asked his kid to place him into his special burial ground as his corpse is being buried along with his glamorous gold – filled tomb. To grand the king’s wish, the daughter and her suitor need to include his luxurious properties so he can carry them to his Heaven. This is where the journey of the daughter and her suitor begin.

In this game, the daughter is the main character and is played by the player. However, in case you want to challenge yourself, the player can also choose to be the daughter’s suitor instead as they have different attack methods and tactics while carrying the coffin. Although this game is quite simple, this game is interesting enough when the characters escort the coffin.

Usually the game which is escorting the things are a bit boring, but this is an exception. The game has a solid tutorial which shows you the within the level which provide you ways to use some methods and access to its mechanics.

Although the characters in the game are nameless, you can freely move the chariot around to protect the coffin and themselves from the nasty looters  

How to play

chariot ps4 gameplay

Some gamers might say that game which make the player escorting something is barely interesting, but this is actually quite fun. The player can make the chariot to jump onto higher platform while still carrying the wagon. To move it around, you can pull it and moving back or forward, or reel it while using some counter – movement to avoid foothold.

The gameplay is easier to play as the levels are designed in a very clever way by addling some elements which adds little flair. There are “dead” rails along the way and since the king has deceased, the chariot can ride the rails. Meanwhile, on the flipside, the chariot can also walk on the life rails. The characters need to use their wits and traversing between the two rails smartly.

The characters or chariot and a partner can also ride on top of the coffin when they are going down on steep slopes or need to move fast by using the additional wheels. This journey, sometimes leads them to jump to a higher place while still carrying the coffin within a second to bring it up with the chariot.   

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To reach higher level and collect more score, the chariot needs to seek some fortunes by finding the gems and gold that they find around the environment during their way while bringing the wagon. The interesting part is those gems can only be collected with the king’s coffin. Gathering the gems up is very important as the more you collect, the more richness that the character will get.

The more the character become richer, the more chance you can get to purchase the upgrade to unlock new passages to explore and find new abilities to aid your quest. The chariots can always go back to replay the levels that they’ve been going through if you want your character to collect all gems. You can even start at specific level which you have across. Besides collecting the gems, the player can also collect the skulls. There are 75 skulls in total for you to get.

The collecting part to collect skulls and gems, some players might think that this game is boring. However, a PS4 games has never been made that easy. The looters will occasionally sneak out to get a chance to steal the collected gems and skulls in king’s coffin. When the looters appear, the chariot need to fight them away as the daughter will fight them using the sword or as the suitor will fight them using the slingshot.

However, as this is one of PS4 games for kids, there isn’t any real combat. The kids who play this game shouldn’t be worry too much. The looters can’t attack the chariot but the chariot can attack them and prevent them from stealing the gems and skulls.

Once the chariot reach or complete certain level, they will meet a skeletal figure who offers them some relieves. He will provide some tips on equipment which can be upgraded while giving humorous remarks about each equipment. One of example of given equipment is lantern which is attached to the wagon to give some lights in the middle of darkness, another goodness that the chariot can get is the easiness to rappel down ledges without blocking the carriage, the chariot can even get different wheels to make them easier to pass through certain terrains including snowy terrains.

Other part which makes this game interesting is its visual part which is beautiful and well detailed. It has beautiful color palette with nice animation and smooth framerate. The characters are cute, charming, and well designed, and the setting is depicted really well. Overall, this game is so pleasing for the eyes or all ages. This is quite reminiscent to Rayman’s UbiArt visual style.  

The audio is the other part which can spoil the players. The king and also other character have full voice – overs and creating the life vibe to the characters. The king sounds quite demanding as it is his nature, but sounds coward too when something goes sour. Meanwhile, the skeletal character gives funny lines during their ways. This game doesn’t provide too many soundtracks to be honest, the music can be heard during their combat and they picked music are using medieval theme.

What the players should note down

As the game is about collecting things while carrying the coffin and protect them from the looters, the player can’t just upgrade whenever they have collected enough. However, they need to find and retrieve blueprints which can be found in every levels. But the player must find the wooden box which magnetize to the king’s coffin and need to be delivered to a grinder to open the box. What’s need to be remembered, the player need to find certain amount of blueprints to unlock the upgraded version which can be purchased.

There is another fact about this video game. One key component to this Chariot game is that this game can be played using co – op with a friend. This game feature adds fun experience to the player. However, the minus part of this co – op feature is the fact that this feature is strictly local. If the player doesn’t have a friend to join over the game, you are unable to unlock this part. Nevertheless, this game is fun and interesting to be played solo or co – op.


Overall, this game is quite surprising and entertaining. It has endearing sty, intuitive gameplay and makes the player hooked. This game is also fun to be played as either single or co – op player. This game is literally suitable for almost all ages. The adults who think this games is way too easy probably need to play it at least once, this game is challenging enough as it instills tactics and methodical experience to each player. As the player will play be challenged to get Platinum Trophy and playing various contents and features in the game, this Chariot game is well worth pS4 game for the kids. Thus, we rate this game 4 out of 5, so this game is great and challenging enough which is worth your time and cash. 

Playtime Experience
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ps4-games-chariot-reviewOverall, this game is quite surprising and entertaining. It has endearing sty, intuitive gameplay and makes the player hooked. This game is also fun to be played as either single or co – op player. This game is literally suitable for almost all ages. The adults who think this games is way too easy probably need to play it at least once, this game is challenging enough as it instills tactics and methodical experience to each player. As the player will play be challenged to get Platinum Trophy and playing various contents and features in the game, this Chariot game is well worth pS4 game for the kids. Thus, we rate this game 4 out of 5, so this game is great and challenging enough which is worth your time and cash.