[WOW JAPAN x Jurnal Otaku] An Exclusive Interview with Ying Tze for CSF 2017


On Saturday, 29 April 2017, JOI and other media got the chance to interview this beautiful person from Malaysia. She’s Ying Tze, a cosplayer who already came to Indonesia a couple of times, and is one of the awaited cosplayer in Jakarta. Don’t believe me? Her name is always on the top list of favorite cosplayer in AFA.

This time Ying Tze is here for 2 days for the event Creators Super Fest in Pullman Hotel Grand Ballroom, Central Park Jakarta. She will be cosplaying as Utaha Kasumigaoka from the series Saekano and D.Va from the game Overwatch. But before you see her cosplay, why don’t you read the following interview from JOI and other media with Ying Tze.

Q: What fuels your creativity so that you keep on making more costumes?

A: Haha, 1st question is already difficult. When I first started cosplaying, because I start cosplaying by making costumes when I was a student, I have no money to go tailor my costume. By making your own costume, it’s cheaper and you can cosplay more of your favorite character. I started because I really liked the character, so I want to make their costumes.

Then what fuels my creativity, I would say nice materials. Just like last week, I went to Bangkok to buy fabric and stuff. When I have nice materials, I will feel very inspired and I also makes costume faster. I made this Utaha costume in less than 24 hours.

Q: You’ve come to Indonesia several times, what do you think about the concept of CSF?

A: I think AFA is more to concert, but I think this is the first time they make an event for content creator and I think it’s very good. Because I don’t think there are many events that are focusing on doujin artist. I think there are many talented artists in Indonesia, because I have a friend in Indonesia who also like to sell her artworks.

So I think this is a good time for Indonesian artist to show their talent and it will also invite more people from other countries as well, like Okita from Thailand. So I think this is a very good event.

Q: About how you choose your cosplay, is it for certain events, depending on the moment, or what?

A: I think for me is what I’m interested in. Because like Utaha, I started cosplaying Utaha back in February. Then I really like the anime, and then I see this costume and I finally want to cosplay as this character. For me, making costumes always have a special place in my heart. Maybe sometimes I will also cosplay from games I like. Tomorrow I will cosplay as D.Va from Overwatch. I’m not good in it (haha), but I always enjoy the game so I’m like a casual gamer. I always play for the story.

Q: Do you have any advice for Indonesian cosplayers?

A: I don’t think I have any advice, because Indonesian cosplayers are very good and one of my inspiration is Pinky Lu Xun from Indonesia. So if you ask me if I have any advice, I don’t, because Indonesian are the people that gave me inspiration to cosplay.

When I first came to Indonesia for a cosplay event, I’m surprised that I have to be the judge, and all the contestants are really amazing. Then when I came back to Malaysia, I tell myself to be the best in cosplay. It’s like when you see someone amazing, you also want to be even more amazing at what you do.

Q: What is the most difficult cosplay you’ve done so far?

A: I think every costume is hard because every costume is something new, so every costume has its own difficulty. Like this Utaha costume, you see there are stripe patterns on it, so I bought blue costume and then embedded the white pattern on it because no one sells this kind of costume.

Q: What do you think is different from Indonesian and Malaysian cosplay.

A: I think Malaysian cosplay are more focused on photo shoot, but Indonesian are more focused on actions. We like to go to events, but in Indonesia the cosplayers like to join competition and perform. For example, like in WCS, Indonesia won the competition last year. Indonesian cosplayers are very talented and also very humble.

Q: What do you want to achieve in the next 10 years?

A: I want to have a family, because my parents were divorced when I was very young, and when I grow up older I want to have a happy family. I want to have children, and because I’m a very simple person, I only want to have a happy family and a happy life. Everyone in life want to be happy, right? For me it’s okay to be ‘cukup-cukup’. Maybe it’s fine to have a holiday once a year, and then I don’t need to worry about house and electricity, and I can do what I like. I also want to have a cat cafe in Malaysia.

Q: What is the next character you want to cosplay?

A: Persona 5. This month I haven’t made any costume because I spent my time playing this game. This is my first Persona game.

Q: What’s your favorite beverage?

A: If it’s tea, it’s earl grey. Then I like pearl milk tea, I also drink a lot of Starbucks.

Q: Please tell us one of your best moments or memories in Indonesia.

A: Most memorable moments? I think it is my first time coming to Indonesia in 2012 for the first AFA. That time it was my first trip to Indonesia so I don’t know what to expect, and it was only my 2nd event on Moe Moe Kyun cafe. I was very nervous that people won’t like me because I’m very tall and I’m not sure if Indonesian people will like tall girls. Plus, I’m not cute, because for me cute is more like short loli girls like Punipun.

But on the first day, I was really surprised and many people come and queue for the cafe. We only have 6 girls and we were very busy but we were very happy.

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This interview was conducted by Jurnal Otaku Indodesia, and is syndicated on WOW Japan.