Pikachu shows some love for ketchup in new Pokemon XY&Z song

Pikachu shows some love for ketchup in new Pokemon XY&Z song.jpg
Pikachu shows some love for ketchup in new Pokemon XY&Z song.jpg

Do you remember the Poke-rap? How about the original Pokemon English theme song? Well, another Pokemon theme song has just been introduced, and it’s a whole lot cuter than most Pokesongs, as Pikachu sings about ketchup!

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Let’s face it, the song itself is adorable, and it was so adorable that it became viral in Japan, as many netizens have pointed out that Pikachu’s love for ketchup has been quite well-documented.

ピカチュウのケチャップ好きはアニメ42話で「ストライクとエレブーが赤い色を見ると興奮する習性」にサトシが気付くためだけに作られた設定です pic.twitter.com/hTPQ3B0WOV

— ポケモア@一日目東H56a (@moa151) August 4, 2016

Performed by Pikachu’s legendary seiyuu, Ikue Ohtani, the song features Pikachu with lots and lots of ketchup. Titled “Pikachu’s Song,” by Tomohisa Sako and Saku, it served as an ED song for Episode 129 of Pokemon XY & Z. Now, compare and contrast with a song about how awesome Magikarp is