Miku comes to life in your desktop thanks to a moving wallpaper

Miku comes to life in your desktop thanks to a moving wallpaper
Miku comes to life in your desktop thanks to a moving wallpaper

Tired of your boring old Miku desktop wallpaper? twitter user @nyaibon apparently found a way to bring it to life, and this is all thanks to a program you can download via Steam.

ついったでオススメが流れてきて衝動買いしたWallpaper Engineいいぞ!
壁紙が動くだけで謎の未来感に感動している!steamで買えるぞ! pic.twitter.com/hHRSTRAuFg

— にゃいぼん aka へらぶな (@nyaibon) January 4, 2017

In his tweet, he said “I bought Wallpaper Engine on a recommendation from Twitter, and it’s awesome! Feels so futuristic with a moving background. You can buy it on Steam.” 

The background really looks amazing, and a lot of Miku fans seem to agree with him, and are all very happy with his discovery.


However, like most programs and apps, this one still has a few system requirements, and twitter user, @raika0806, was kind enough to post them:

Miku 2

source: Rocket News 24

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