Monday, February 24, 2025

Gambling Addiction is a Terrible Thing

Gambling can just be a simple hobby or a terrible addiction in the end. It can happen to anyone regardless of their scope of friendship and background. Those who have been going too deep in this kind of problem are often not realizing it at all. So, what is it all about?

What is a Gambling Addiction?

It is important to understand the main problem at first before trying to deal with it or avoiding it for a better outcome in life. The basic idea of gambling addiction is that there is no way a person can control the impulse to do gambling regardless of everything else. Once the thought to gamble strikes the mind of that person with gambling addiction, it is impossible to stop that person to gamble. What is in the mind of that person is only gambling and gambling.

An Addiction is Uncontrollable

The one called addiction is when it is totally out of control. The one person who experienced it alone cannot control the compulsive gambling behavior. As long as the impulse to gamble is fulfilled, nothing bad will happen to that person. Unfortunately, that leads to terrible effects around that person. It will eventually affect the life of that person badly. Those who have never been involved with someone with this particular problem may not see how terrible the problem is for real.

What is Problem Gambling?

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It is a rather different thing from the one called an addiction. It is the level before addiction where the one having the problem can still control it a bit. This is the time when gambling transforms from a really fun activity to a kind of unhealthy obsession to do and win. This is the best time to deal with the problem before it gets worse and eventually becomes an addiction. Gambling should only be a matter of fun things to do on some occasions and never be a problem or even an addiction.

Initial Stage of Gambling Addiction

At this stage of a serious issue with gambling, there will already be some visible effects of it. The one having the problem will start to have a change of habit and attitude. That person will shift the focus on gambling and leaving other things a bit. This is the stage where the symptoms are visible in which proper things need to be done to prevent it from getting worse. That underlines the importance of loved and closest ones around to help the person having a gambling problem.

The Effects of Gambling Problem and Addiction

The fact that gambling can become a problem and addiction means that there will be terrible effects on them. The effects range from small things to big stuff that will need the help of others to eventually handle and clear them. Unfortunately, the one who is having either problem gambling or gambling addiction will not realize the terrible effects due to the impulsive desire to just continue gambling no matter what happens.

One of the effects of gambling addiction that happened in the very first place is the worse relationship with the loved and closest ones around. The partners will surely feel the change in the relationship with the one having problem gambling or gambling addiction. At this point, two possibilities could happen later on. The partner will address the problem and try to help to deal with it or the partner will just leave the one with the problem.

Another effect that is the result of gambling addiction is a financial problem. There could be a deep debt to someone due to the impulsive desire to gamble while there is no money left. It could get even worse when the debt is related to the loan shark that will need a huge amount of interest to be paid alongside the main debt amount. In some cases, all of the belongings that include owned properties could end up being taken over by other people to pay for the debt.

Next on the list of effects of gambling addiction is the change of self-identity and behavior of the one with the addiction itself. It is called an addiction because it is pretty much the same as other types of addiction. When the strong need to gamble is not fulfilled the person can go crazy in a lot of different ways. The most terrible thing that may happen is that the person could do something dangerous to those who are close.

The Cause of Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling

There is a clear reason that addiction could eventually happen to someone. It is a way to relieve and express something out. Those who are unable to express and deliver what they have in their mind and feeling will always try to find a way to get rid of it. Gambling is eventually like drinking that will just start small as a kind of refreshing thing to do after work or at the weekend. Days after, it turns out that gambling has become a need and eventually an addiction.

In other words, it is often closely associated with many problems such as abuse issues, stress, unmanaged ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Those problems are not visible for most people because mostly the one with those problems are pretty quiet and enclosed to themselves. The possibilities are so many that could be the result of those problems one of which is gambling addiction. It is important to be able to understand the signs of those problems.

Signs and Symptoms

Just like other problems and addictions, there are signs and symptoms of this particular case. Being aware of the symptoms is very crucial to deal with the problem especially for those family members and loved ones who are close by. The signs and symptoms are visible that should not be ignored at all for it will lead to a worse state of the one with the addiction. It is quite similar to the symptoms and signs of other addictions as well though.

The first sign is that the person is getting secretive about the gambling activity. The one with the gambling addiction may regularly go out every night to gamble while telling nothing about that to other family members and even the partners. The second common sign is that the ability to control the desire to gamble is not around anymore. It is getting harder and harder to control the desire to gamble while it has never been like that before.

The third sign is the carelessness about the situation when the desire to gamble strikes. A person with a gambling addiction will still gamble although there is no money left. Once the money is gone there could be ideas that seem to be solutions for that in mind just to fulfill the need to gamble. It is possible that eventually some stuff is used as the leverage for gambling such as watches, jewelry, cars, and even houses. In the end, it can be very terrible for a lot of people.

The fourth sign is the denial of anything that happens concerning gambling. A person that is addicted to gambling will always deny that he or she has that problem. That person will get angry when being addressed on that particular problem even by family members. The fifth symptom is the change of habit of the one with the addiction. The person will look like they are occupied by something without a clear reason for that. Sometimes he or she will seem lost somewhere during a conversation.

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Dealing with Gambling Addiction and Problem Gambling

This problem is not just an individual problem of a person. This will affect many people around the one with the actual problem. In dealing with the problem it is important to be together especially within the scope of family. So, in getting rid of the problem the start will always be the family. Improve the relationship with family members and loved ones and address the issue without any denial. It should be done by both the one with the addiction and the family around him or her.

There are groups as well that can either be online or offline to seek help in dealing with the addiction of gambling. Once this problem has been taken care of internally within the scope of the family it is recommended to seek help from the outside as well. Getting help from the experts in this matter will greatly help to deal with it. This may come to the need for a certain amount of money for the service in the form of therapy but the result is always a good one.


Gambling addiction is a terrible problem that will lead to a lot of terrible things in the end. It has to be addressed and handled properly for the sake of everyone involved in it. The best way to deal with it is to start from the inside by making peace with the self. With peace of mind and soul, it will be easier to address the issue of gambling addiction and problem gambling on the outside. The most important thing is that it can be stopped with a strong will to stop it.

Author: Kampus Poker

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