CLAMP’s unforgettable manga series, Cardcaptor Sakura, has definitely touched the lives of many of today’s women when they were growing up as kids. Now, Japanese fashion brand, Sukiyaki, is teaming up with the magical girl series for a new fashion line aimed at the ladies, who were once the kids inspired by the mahou shoujo classic.
The designs are inspired by the clothes worn by main character Sakura Kinomoto in the series, Sukiyaki is releasing four sets of them, and each one is priced at 15,984 yen.
Tomoeda Primary School Uniform
The Sakura dress (battle costume)
Cherry Stars and Stripes (battle costume)
The Alice Dress (battle costume)
These Cardcaptor Sakura-inspired dresses are now available for pre-orders via the Japanese fashion website, Super Groupies . All four designs come in XXS, S, M, L, and XL sizes. The model in the images above are all wearing XXS.
source: Comic Natalie
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